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The Zentrum fir politesch Bildung (Centre for Citizenship Education) is an independent foundation, created in 2016. Its aim is to promote active citizenship.


Learning: We offer educational material and activities as well as trainings on political and social topics.
Understanding: We promote the understanding of democratic processes and social challenges. This is done through publications, talks, discussions, exhibitions, etc.
Participating: We encourage participation through projects that lead to an increased interest in politics, especially among young people. We support institutions in developing or strengthening democratic structures.

The ZpB is constantly striving to develop and to reach out to more people. As the request for English material has grown over time, you can find a first selection on this page.


Please find the publications which are available in English below. Discover the complete offer:



This publication is basically directed at teachers of primary and secondary education but can also be used by any other relay person. duerchbléck! tackles topical and substantive themes which can be treated in social sciences as well as in interdisciplinary work.

duerchbléck! offers :

  • background information
  • impulses and ideas to stimulate students
  • bilingual worksheets (German and French)

The duerchbléck! booklets are freely available upon request and can be downloaded below as a PDF. Contact us at if you wish to subscribe to duerchbléck! and automatically receive your copy by postal mailing.

Check Politik!

Check Politik is a series of publications co-published with Klaro – center for easy language in Luxembourg. It is aimed at everyone (young people and adults) needing simple and understandable texts as well as teachers and relay persons who want to explain complicated things in an easy way.

Check Politik provides basic, easy-to-understand information on current topics. If you want to find out more about easy language, click here.

Klaro booklets can be downloaded as PDF or ordered for free (a maximum of 4 booklets per language and per class can be ordered for school classes).


The Logbook Lëtzebuerg is aimed at young people who have recently arrived in Luxembourg and/or who have experienced voluntary or forced migration.

It is designed as a diary in which young people discover Luxembourg and reflect on their experiences in their new country. The activities cover topics such as participation in public life, career guidance and day-to-day emotions.

The format allows for independent learning and can be used in a variety of school contexts, as well as in non-formal settings.

Children’s Committee at a Daycare Centre
The ZpB regularly organises further training courses on children’s committees.
Participation and organisation are important elements of non-formal education: children can experience and discover democracy in a safe space.
These training courses have resulted in a handbook containing practical material that can help professionals in a daycare centre to set up and run a children’s committee.
Student Council at the highschool

In Luxembourg, student representation is governed by law and consists, in secondary schools, of the student council and the class delegates.

Produced in collaboration with the CNEL and CePAS, this practical material aims to give readers an overview of how the student council works.

50 Faces – 50 Stories

The 50 Faces box is a didactic tool that offers a differentiated view of the socio-historical context of the Second World War. It contains 50 cards with 50 different biographies.

The biographies are real-life stories that took place in Luxembourg at the time of the Second World War – the stories of people ranging from public figures (politicians) to ordinary civilians who had to submit to the National Socialist regime.

The box therefore takes a multi-perspective approach and hopes to foster a critical awareness of history. In addition, the cards can be used to discuss current problems against an historical background.

Dag X fir Europa – A boardgame about the European Parliament Elections

Dag X fir Europa is a board game based on the principle of the game of goose. It is aimed at young people and adults who want to familiarise themselves with the elections and have fun in the process.

Available in: DE, LU, ENG, FR

The material is printable and includes

  • the game instructions in DE, LU, FR & ENG

The material takes a multi-perspective approach and hopes to foster a critical awareness of history. In addition, the cards can be used to discuss current problems against an historical background.

The 2nd World War in Luxembourg

The brochure The 2nd World War in Luxembourg presents the years 1939-1945 from different points of view.

It was developed by the Comité pour la Mémoire de la 2e Guerre mondiale in cooperation with a team of specialists and is aimed at anyone interested in the history of Luxembourg during the 2nd World War. A tool for young people and teachers.

The publication can be ordered free of charge from the Service de la Mémoire de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale.

The educational booklet that can be downloaded below was developed by the Zentrum fir politesch Bildung with the support of the Comité pour la Mémoire de la 2ème Guerre mondiale.

Thema am Unterrecht – The Lame Duck President and Midterm Elections

The Thema am Unterrecht (TaU) worksheets are designed for secondary school teachers. Each subject area lends itself to citizenship education. These worksheets, developed by teachers, are written for different school subjects or lend themselves to interdisciplinary work.


All of our workshops are available in English.



DemocraCity is a simulation activity that allows a group of 12 – 24 participants to better understand decision-making processes and complex political contexts through active participation. This interdisciplinary workshop, led by a team member of the ZpB, allows to strengthen action and social skills as well as the capability for self-reflection and network-thinking.

EU on Screen

With EU on Screen, the Zentrum für politesch Bildung (ZpB) and the European Parliament Liaison Office in Luxembourg are inviting school groups to take a closer look at the work of the European institutions. Pupils meet two Luxembourg MEPs online, giving them the chance to ask questions about how the EU works and current political challenges. They also learn more about the day-to-day life of MEPs.


The #MengChamber workshop is a series of activities organised by the ZpB at the Parliament, giving participants an insight into parliamentary work and how democracy works in Luxembourg. Simulations, role-playing and individual or group practical activities are proposed. The workshop also includes an interview with Members of Parliament, a tour of the premises and the opportunity to follow part of a plenary session, if the schedule at the Chambre des Députés allows it.


« YOUstice » is a workshop designed to raise awareness of justice for groups of between 6 and 24 students in the intermediate or higher cycle of the ESC, the ESG and the professional system (from age 15). The participants learn about the basics of the Luxembourg legal system and how a trial works. They also reflect on the role of the third estate in a democracy and the rule of law.

My glasses – your glasses?! Are you the way I see you?

This workshop encourages multi-perspective thinking, with participants looking at different forms of discrimination and their consequences. The aim is both to identify prejudice, discrimination and privilege, and to examine the effects of systemic discrimination in order to develop individual and collective possibilities for action to take critical responsibility for discrimination.

Digitality & Democracy

Do we, the users, really have everything under control? Or should we give up control of our data? What about our privacy? And what does all this have to do with democracy? We explore the question of whether the digital world makes our lives more comfortable and safer, or whether it gives our fellow human beings, companies or the authorities extra power over us.

Cinqfontaines – Lieu de mémoire

At the former Cinqfontaines convent, almost 300 Jews were interned before being deported during the Second World War.

Today, Cinqfontaines is a place dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Shoah. The Cinqfontaines educational centre (Fünfbrunnen) is also a place of learning and encounter, offering education in citizenship. Guided tours, training courses and workshops deal with the period of the Shoah and current issues. The Centre aims to educate against anti-Semitism and racism and to promote humanism and human rights. The educational programme is coordinated by the Zentrum für politesch Bildung (ZpB) and the Service national de la Jeunesse (SNJ).

For more information, visit:


Please find the multimedia offer which is available in English below. Discover the complete offer:



Filter bubbles are information bubbles that are created through the personalisation of the Internet. So-called trackers collect data and information that users leave behind. The data collected are used to create profiles which enable algorithms to create and present personalised information. This way, the user’s interests are permanently mirrored on the web and information which does not correspond to his or her own opinion is isolated.

This interactive test will enable you to find out how deep you are stuck in a filter bubble of your own. The questions are very specific and at the same time provide instructions on how to proceed in order to burst your own filter bubble.

The political system of Luxembourg

The video presents the key players in Luxembourg’s political system and their role, particularly during the legislative process. The corresponding posters provide an overview and more details on the various players.

Municipalities in Luxembourg

The corresponding posters provide an overview and more details on the various players.

The political system of the European Union

This video presents the most important information about the political system of the European Union in a clear and understandable way. The information in the video is also summarized in a poster.

Zeppi & Bob in the European Union

Zeppi & Bob is a series of videos aimed at primary school pupils (cycles 3 and 4). This edition focuses on the European Union. A teaching guide in german and french is available for teachers. It includes worksheets and a project guide.

You and the EU

In collaboration with the Kannerbureau Wooltz (now Kannermusée Plomm), we produced several videos, including  one on the European Union. Under the guidance of Kannerbureau staff, the children themselves wrote the scripts for the films, made their own props and took an active part in the filming.

Zeppi & Bob in the municipality

Zeppi & Bob is a series of videos aimed at primary school pupils (cycles 3 and 4). This first edition focuses on the municipalities in Luxembourg. A teaching guide in german and french is available for teachers. It includes worksheets and a project guide.

Zeppi & Bob in the European Union

Zeppi & Bob is a series of videos aimed at primary school pupils (cycles 3 and 4). This third edition focuses on the European Union. A teaching guide in german and french is available for teachers. It includes worksheets and a project guide.

Politik? fir jiddereen!
Politics? For everyone!

The Zentrum fir politesch Bildung, the Chambre des Députés and the Ministère de l’Éducation nationale, de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse have produced animated films in Luxembourgish, German, French and English. These films are directed at children and adolescents, but can also be used for adults who wish to learn about the Luxembourgish democracy. The films can as well be used as preparation material in order to visit the parliament or to make an assessment.

In addition to the films, accompanying educational booklets are freely downloadable from our site. These bilingual booklets (German and French) are mainly intended for teachers and educators who wish to approach the subjects of the film.


The Parliament

The Laws


Citizen Participation

The European Union

Why vote? How to vote? Whom to vote for?

This series of videos addresses the key questions concerning local elections in Luxembourg. The videos have been produced according to the rules of Easy Language. The Luxembourg version with German subtitles was checked by Easy Speech experts (people with learning difficulties). With the support of the Ministère de la Famille, de l’Intégration et à la Grande Région. In collaboration with Klaro.


Every day we come across news and messages that we don’t know if we should really believe. The website helps you to separate information from manipulation. Based on 10 questions, you can get an idea of whether the author of a message wants to inform you about something or push you in a certain direction.

With the support of Bee Secure, the Zentrum für politesch Bildung (Centre for Citizenship Education) has developed an interactive test that lets you check how far you are caught up in your own filter bubble. Filter bubbles are bubbles of information created by the personalisation of Internet use.

Smartwielen is a project of the University of Luxembourg and the Zentrum fir politesch Bildung. The smartwielen website is an adapted version of smartvote, a so-called VAA (Voting Advice Application) that was first developed in Switzerland in 2003 and is operated by Politools. smartwielen is a questionnaire-based tool that allows users to compare their own political views with those of candidates and parties. It enables users not only to reflect on their own political positions, but also to learn more about the political programmes of political parties and candidates.

Training offers

In-school training offers (SchiLW)

In-school training offers (SchiLW) offered by the ZpB for the formal educational sector (teachers and employees of the school counseling services).



Please find the exhibitions which are available in English below. Discover the complete offer:


Den DemokratieLabo

Like a real laboratory, Den DemokratieLabo invites you to experiment, discover and analyse. The object of observation is democracy. The exhibition is interactive and multilingual (German, French and English). Feel free to touch and move things around. Discussions are explicitly welcome!


Discover the complete offer:



Discover the complete offer:
