We are delighted to announce that LISER’s Living Conditions Department, together with the University of Luxembourg‘s PLDP – Luxembourg’s platform of participatory democracy, and the ZpB – Zentrum fir Politesch Bildung are organizing a two-day workshop on “Voting Advice Applications (VAAs), between academic research and societal impact” on February 13-14, 2025.

The event will be held in the LISER conference room “Jane Jacobs” (Maison des Sciences Humaines, 11 Porte des Sciences, L-4366 Esch-Alzette).


Over the last two decades, Voting Advice Applications (VAAs) have spread throughout Europe and beyond. By allowing voters to compare their preferences with those of parties and candidates running for an election over a range of policy issues on a single online platform, they reduce the costs to voters associated with the gathering and processing of electoral information. Often provided by civic education agencies or academics and generally benefitting from wide media coverage, these tools have by now become a vital part of online election campaigns worldwide, being used by dozens of millions of voters. This international workshop will take stock of existing research in the field and present innovative avenues for interdisciplinary and comparative work.

Programme and registration

The programme is available on the event webpage. If you’d like to join us, please make sure to register by February 10.


Du: jeudi 13 février 2025

Au: vendredi 14 février 2025


Marnie Ecker


Maison des Sciences Humaines
Maison des Sciences Humaines
Université de Luxembourg
Porte des Sciences Esch-Belval Esch-sur-Alzette
